What Does Each Color Mean On A Mood Ring? Mood Colors Finally Explained!

Mood rings are exceptionally unique in their function. While most other rings are mainly used to accessorize or symbolize a significant relationship, mood rings are meant to do something more. As the name suggests, a mood ring is associated with feelings, moods, and emotions.

A mood ring can act as a representative of your emotional state since it is designed to change colors according to your mood. Now you must be wondering how that happens and if the ring really works, right? 

To find the answers to your questions, stick right here but before that let’s get to know what each color means on a mood ring? 

What Does Blue Mean On A Mood Ring?

Blue is one of the few introductory colors of the mood ring when it first appeared back in the 1970s. While a lot of other tones have been added ever since then, blue remains of the utmost importance. Why? 

Because blue is a representative of the wearer being in a calm and neutral state. A mood ring shows blue color when the body is at rest or at normal temperature. 

The blue color on a mood ring has versatile meanings attached to it. 

Peace and Serenity

Peace and serenity are pretty much synonymous with calmness. A light blue hue will appear on your mood ring when you’re in a state of complete relaxation with a normal body temperature. 

A light blue color on the mood ring represents the light and relaxed mood of the wearer. Think about the times when you’re just relaxing on a couch, reading a light-hearted book, or just wondering about all the good things in your life, your mind is at ease. 

Your mood ring will depict that very state by showing a light blue hue.

Warmth and Love

Love is typically represented by purple color, but that happens when your emotions are more on the intense and passionate side. 

A dark blue color represents the kind of love that makes you feel warm and at peace. The dark blue color on a mood ring represents a feeling of tranquility and utmost calmness. It also represents happiness, the kind that happens when you do something good for someone. You know … feeling content, happy, and at peace, not euphoric. 

Other Shades of Blue

Over the years, more and more tones of blue have been added to the mood ring color chart. For instance, an aquamarine color on the mood ring depicts a cheerful or playful mood. 

Nevertheless, calmness, peace, and satisfaction is the quintessential meaning of blue on a mood ring. 

What Does Green Mean On A Mood Ring?

The meaning of green color on a mood ring is very much similar to that of blue. Like blue represents calmness, green also depicts a balanced and neutral state of the wearer. However, there’s a conflict about what green actually means on a mood ring.

Are you Jealous?

Apart from balance and peace, some people also believe that green is a sign of envy and jealousy which is poles apart from peace and calm. 

Green is Anxious

Another meaning that is associated with the green color on a mood ring is anxiousness and worry. The kind of anxiety that kicks in when you have to appear before an interviewer but you still manage to keep yourself sane. 

In such situations, you’ll most likely experience a lower than normal body temperature and so your mood ring is bound to turn green, or dark green to be precise. 

But Also Balance and Calm

Anyway, a typical shade of green represents a calm and neutral state of mind. The green color is an indicator of a steady and relaxed mood. Apart from blue, this is the color that you’ll see a lot on your mood ring. 

The green color is usually a standard for a relaxed yet active mind. Green is a combination of blue, which represents calmness; and yellow, which gives a sense of alertness. And that kind of explains how your green mood ring is a sign of peaceful yet active spirits. 

What Does Pink Mean On A Mood Ring?

Pink is a happy color and it certainly symbolizes great things when it shows on a mood ring too. Colors like pink, purple, blue, and green are known for all the good things on a mood ring. 

Pink is known to bring happy, cheerful, and optimistic vibes as a color. And when it is on a mood ring, the meanings are quite the same as well. 


The pink color on a mood ring usually indicates that the wearer is in a peaceful and happy state of mind. It represents a feeling of being content and calm. 

Optimism and Contentment 

Pink color typically appears on a mood ring when the wearer is well-rested and totally at ease. If you’re optimistic about life or any upcoming events with a feeling of contentment in your heart, then you’ll most likely see a pink color on your mood ring.


Another situation that can cause a mood ring to turn pink is that of thoughtfulness. If a self-reflection check makes you feel good about yourself, then of course you’ll be at peace. Therefore, pink is mainly a symbol of contentment and peace.


Apart from that, a mood ring can also turn pink when the wearer is feeling affectionate or loved by someone. Just like purple and deep blue, pink is another marker for love.  

Then why the different colors? Well because, love can make you feel passionate, warm, or peaceful at different times. Each time the emotions are different and that is why a mood ring shows different colors in different situations.

teal mood ring gemstones

What Does Teal Mean On A Mood Ring?

So teal is one of the many colors that were later added to the mood ring apart from the basic set of colors based on blue, green, pink, black, purple, etc. Anyway, what color family do you think teal belongs to? Is it blue or green? Well, it is kind of associated with both. 

Teal is a blue-green color and it carries the properties of both the colors. It draws its calmness from blue while it gets the rejuvenation energies from green. So that explains how teal has a calming as well as revitalizing spirit. 

The teal color on a mood ring means all of that and more.


Apart from calmness, teal is also a symbol of extreme motivation of the wearer. It means that the wearer is feeling charged and active. Next to that, it also depicts surety and confidence. 

Analytical Thinking 

Additionally, teal color also shows on the ring when the wearer is giving a good thought to something. It means the person is thinking deeply and analytically. 


Moreover, teal also hints at a bit of creativity and art with a touch of optimism from green and a sense of tranquility from blue. 

So by all means, seeing teal on a mood ring is great. Just by the way, teal also represents the limitless sky and the sea. And I hope if you’re seeing teal on your ring, your motivation and peace are just as limitless!

What Does White Mean On A Mood Ring?

While generally white is a color of purity, innocence, and freshness, it means something else on a mood ring. White is rarely seen on a mood ring which is why not a lot of things are associated with this color. 


The white color on a mood ring is widely known to symbolize boredom. A feeling of emptiness in your mind and a lack of motivation can make you feel really dull. 

For some people, boredom can also cause depression due to a lack of achievement. All these mixed emotions make your body react in a way that causes your mood ring to turn white. 

When your mind is not inquisitive and you’re not looking forward to anything, your body responds in the same way and makes you feel depressingly dull.


In some instances, a mood ring also turns white when the wearer is confused. A feeling of disorientation and indecisiveness in your head makes you really bummed out. This feeling of confusion is also a known cause of a mood ring turning white.


Other than that, frustration can also be the culprit behind a white mood ring. In short, boredom, discomfort, confusion, and frustration typically cause a mood ring to turn white.

Why do I not see a white-colored mood ring often?

But you don’t see white color on a mood ring very often because your body doesn’t really go through any major changes when you’re bored. It just keeps functioning normally most of the time. 

Boredom is mainly related to the brain with the least interruption in your body’s system. And this is why it doesn’t give off a direct effect on your mood ring. 

What Does Black Mean On A Mood Ring?

A black ring looks utterly gorgeous, but I’m afraid it doesn’t represent a good state of mind in the case of a mood ring. The black color on a mood ring is not a pleasant sight, to begin with. 

But don’t worry we’ll look at it from different perspectives so you can find out what’s actually causing your mood ring to turn black. 

You may be stressed

One of the major reasons why a mood ring turns black is a depressed or stressed state of mind of the wearer. The black color appears when you’re anxious or overworked. It also symbolizes sorrow or grief. 

This mostly happens because, in a stressful or overwhelming situation, the system of your body is trained to direct the flow of blood to its core, which in turn reduces the blood flow in the fingers, where your mood ring sits. 

The mood ring turns black when exposed to a low temperature due to a lack of blood flow. And that explains how a black mood ring depicts a gloomy emotional state. 

Blood circulation may be the culprit 

If you sit around a lot or have a lazy lifestyle, then your blood circulation might not be the best. This means all the parts of your body are not receiving an appropriate blood supply. You see where this is going, right? 

A lack of adequate blood circulation around your fingers results in cold hands. And the low temperature around your fingers causes the mood ring to turn black!

So if you’re a couch potato, go get some exercise. You’ll feel great and the color of your mood ring will definitely change.

No skin contact

Okay lastly, a mood ring turns black when it is lying around somewhere else instead of your finger. By that I mean, it has no skin contact and is just idly sitting in your drawer. 

During this situation, it responds to the surrounding temperature and usually turns black unless exposed to a higher temperature.

What Does Brown Mean On A Mood Ring?

Well, the brown color on a mood ring isn’t good news. When your mood ring turns brown, it definitely means that there’s something wrong going on up in your head. 

But anyway, do not panic because it happens with everyone. You just need to look out for these negative feelings and do not let them consume you. 


The brown color on a mood ring is an indicator of restlessness mainly. If you’re seeing brown on your mood ring, it is most likely because you’re tensed or frightened of something or someone.

Tensed mood

Landing in a stressful and panicky situation can cause your mood ring to turn brown. Brown itself is a muted and dull color and is generally counted as a sad color which is why on a mood ring too, it represents a feeling of stress, tension, or aggravation most likely during an uncertain situation.


The brown color on a mood ring is also a sign of nervousness. In worse cases, you might be on the verge of a breakdown when a brown color appears on your mood ring. 

Worries, tension, restlessness, fear, and uncertainty are how you explain the brown color on a mood ring. 

If you’re seeing brown color on your mood ring, do not fret because that’s not gonna help in any way. Just come to terms with your emotions, find out the root cause and see what helps your mood!

How Do Mood Rings Work?

The idea of a ring changing its colors seems quite fascinating but you may be wondering how this ring actually works, right? So let’s find out!

Temperature-sensitive crystals, also known as thermochromic liquid crystals, are sealed inside the stone of every mood ring. These liquid crystals are designed to react to temperature changes in the surrounding. These crystals respond by changing their colors at different temperatures. 

So when the temperature of your body changes, these thermochromic crystals detect the temperature range and transform their color. 

Whenever the human body experiences a sudden surge of emotions, the temperature of the body varies slightly, if not a lot. This temperature change in turn results in the change of color of the mood ring. 

For example, when you’re stressed out or anxious the blood flow is directed towards the core of the body reducing the blood circulation in the hands. A lesser blood flow in the hands results in a lower temperature and so your mood ring will most probably turn grey or black. 

In short, the temperature-sensitive liquid crystals very well explain the phenomenon of the changing colors in the ring. A mood ring simply works by reacting to temperature changes in the surrounding. 

But are these rings actually linked to mood?

Do Mood Rings Actually Work?

The colors in a mood ring change due to the temperature-sensitive crystals in them and that is totally understandable. But what doesn’t sit right with me is the fact that these colors are a representation of our mood. 

The accuracy of a mood ring is not backed by any authentic research yet. Moreover, there’s no scientific evidence that proves definite changes in the temperature of the human body during certain moods. And that’s exactly where the logic of a mood ring falls flat. 

Each mood ring manufacturer comes up with its own color chart for the ring. You’ll find many different meanings associated with a single color because there is no universal chart that explains the colors of the mood ring. And that leaves the mood ring even more unreliable. 

Yet another factor that makes the mood ring unreasonable is its inability to maintain a steady temperature. You can place the ring on different parts of your body and see the colors changing. And that makes the ring no less than a toy. 

A mood ring simply responds to the changes in temperature and isn’t really capable of representing your mood. 

Wrap up

I think that it’s really fun to watch the colors of the ring change in different situations. The reliability of the mood ring is still the question but it sure can work as an aesthetic addition to your accessories. 

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